Tajweed Rules has been developed by Mariam Hassan Saleh Al Hammadi under the supervision of Husnain Kazmi in Higher College of Technology (HCT) Fujairah.
Mariam Hassan Al Hammadi made this mobile app as a project for her course.
In this mobile app she creates different thing of Tajweed Rules like Exist letters, Learn Tajweed Rules and many other important points. She designs this app to help people from all genders with 6 different nationalities to learn and to know about Tajweed rules and how they can read Holy Quran with proper language. In addition, this app will be available in 6 different languages such as: Arabic, English, Urdu, Swedish, Persian and Indian.
Tajwid Aturan telah dikembangkan oleh Mariam Hassan Saleh Al Hammadi di bawah pengawasan Husnain Kazmi di Higher College of Technology (HCT) Fujairah.
Mariam Hassan Al Hammadi membuat aplikasi mobile ini sebagai proyek untuk kursus nya.
Dalam aplikasi mobile ini dia menciptakan hal yang berbeda dari Tajwid Aturan seperti Exist huruf, Belajar Tajwid Aturan dan banyak hal penting lainnya. Ia mendesain aplikasi ini untuk membantu orang-orang dari semua jenis kelamin dengan 6 kebangsaan yang berbeda untuk belajar dan tahu tentang aturan Tajweed dan bagaimana mereka dapat membaca Al-Qur'an dengan bahasa yang tepat. Selain itu, aplikasi ini akan tersedia dalam 6 bahasa yang berbeda seperti: Arab, Inggris, Urdu, Swedia, Persia dan India.
Tajweed Rules has been developed by Mariam Hassan Saleh Al Hammadi under the supervision of Husnain Kazmi in Higher College of Technology (HCT) Fujairah.
Mariam Hassan Al Hammadi made this mobile app as a project for her course.
In this mobile app she creates different thing of Tajweed Rules like Exist letters, Learn Tajweed Rules and many other important points. She designs this app to help people from all genders with 6 different nationalities to learn and to know about Tajweed rules and how they can read Holy Quran with proper language. In addition, this app will be available in 6 different languages such as: Arabic, English, Urdu, Swedish, Persian and Indian.